[Databa[Search[Result[RECORD[News][Exit] [Help] [ Database= ArticleFirst | Search= au:demkov | Results= 12 records | Records= 7, 8, 9 ] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Email Records] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Record: 7 AUTHOR: Demkov, Y. N.; Kurasov, P. B.; Ostrovsky, V. N. TITLE: Doubly periodical in time and energy exactly soluble system with two interacting systems of states JOURNAL NAME: Journal of physics A: Mathematical and general. VOL, ISSUE: Volume 28, Number 15 PAGES: 4361 YEAR: 1995 TYPE: Article ISSN: 0305-4470 BL SHELFMARK: 5036.237300 J ALT NAME: Journal of physics A. Mathematical, nuclear and general Classical and quantum gravity --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Record: 8 AUTHOR: Demkov, Y. N.; Ostrovsky, V. N. TITLE: Crossing of two bands of potential curves JOURNAL NAME: Journal of physics. B, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics : an Institute of Physics journal. VOL, ISSUE: Volume 28, Number 3 PAGES: 403 YEAR: 1995 TYPE: Article ISSN: 0953-4075 BL SHELFMARK: 5036.238400 J ALT NAME: Journal of physics. B: Atomic and molecular physics --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Record: 9 AUTHOR: Bitensky, I. S.; Demkov, Y. N. TITLE: Thomas scattering of an ion from a solid surface JOURNAL NAME: Surface science. VOL, ISSUE: Volume 319, Number 1/2 PAGES: 199 YEAR: 1994 TYPE: Article ISSN: 0039-6028 BL SHELFMARK: 8547.950000 Searched August 21, 1997