(1) Atomic and Molecular Physics, 4.4. (2) Sergeev Aleksei Vital'evich. (3) ËáíßááÝ ·èáçîáæ ºåïÛèøáÝåõ. (4) 18 May 1957. (5) ÉÛîìëíï: îáíåý XIII-·Ä N 556286, ÝùàÛê 19 ëïàáèáêåáé éåèåôåå ß. ÅáêåêßíÛàÛ 7 îáêïýÜíý 1979 ßëàÛ. (6) Laboratory number 161, Scientific-Research Institute of Optical Device-construction for National Economy and Amater Cino-photo-apparatus, All-Union Scientific Centre "S.I. Vavilov State Optical Institute". (7) Research Associate. (8) USSR. (9) Birzhevaya Linia 12,Saint Petersburg 199034,Russian Federation, telephone 218-75-26, no fax, electronic mail sergeev@soi.spb.su . (10) Proezd Raevskogo 24, Apt. 14, Saint Petersburg 194064, Russian Federation, telephone 552-67-67. (11) Graduated from Physical Department of Leningrad University (1980), Candidate Degree, in 1986. (12.1) Vainberg V.M., ..., Sergeev A.V., ..., four co-authors. 1/n-expansion in quantum mechanics. Teoreticheskaya i matematicheskaya fizika, 1988, 74, 399 - 411. (12.2) Mur V.D., ..., Sergeev A.V., ..., three co-authors. Stark resonances and scaling in Rydberg atoms. Zhurnal eksperimentalnoi i teoreticheskoi fiziki, 1989, 96, 91 - 106. (12.3) Sergeev A.V. 1/N-expansion for the three-body problem. Yadernaya fizika, 1989, 50, 945 - 950. (12.4) Mur V.D., ..., Sergeev A.V., two co-authors. 1/N-expansion in quantum mechanics. Zhurnal eksperimentalnoi i teoreticheskoi fiziki, 1990, 97, 32 - 46. (12.5) Popov V.S., ..., Sergeev A.V., ..., three co-authors. Strong-field Stark effect: perturbation theory and 1/n-expansion. Phys. Lett.A, 1990, 149, 418 - 424. (12.6) Popov V.S., ..., Sergeev A.V, two co-authors. 1/n-expansion and scaling for the Stark effect in Rydberg atoms. Phys. Lett.A, 1990, 149, 425 - 430. (12.7) Vainberg V.M., ..., Sergeev A.V., two co-authors. 1/n- expansion for a hydrogen atom in external field. Zhurnal eksperimentalnoi i teoreticheskoi fiziki, 1990, 98, 847 - 860. (12.8) Popov V.S., ..., Sergeev A.V., two co-authors. Quantization rules with barrier penetrability included. J.Moscow Phys.Soc., 1991, 1, 15 - 31. (12.9) Popov V.S., ..., Sergeev A.V., two co-authors. Generalization of Gamov formala on multidimensional case. Pisma v Zhurnal eksperimentalnoi i teoreticheskoi fiziki, 1991, 53, 433 - 436. (12.10) Popov V.S., ..., Sergeev A.V., two co-authors. Quantization rules including barrier penetrability. Zhurnal eksperimentalnoi i teoreticheskoi fiziki, 1991, 100, 20 - 44. (12.11) Mur V.D., ..., Sergeev A.V., two co-authors. Generalization of Gamov formala on multidimensional case. Yadernaya fizika, 1991, 54, 950 - 961. (12.12) Sergeev A.V. Positron-nucleus resonances in electric and magnetic fields. Yadernaya fizika, 1991, 54, 1225 - 1231. (12.13) Popov V.S., Sergeev A.V., ..., two co-authors. Structure of high orders of 1/n-expansion. Zhurnal eksperimentalnoi i teoreticheskoi fiziki, 1992, 102, 1453 - 1468. (12.14) Popov V.S., Sergeev A.V., one co-author. Large orders of the 1/n expansion in quantum mechanics. Physics Letters A, 1993, 172, 193 - 198. (13.1) Sergeev A.V., ..., one co-author. Higher orders and structure of perturbation-theory series for screened Coulomb potential. Zhurnal eksperimentalnoi i teoreticheskoi fiziki, 1982, 82, 1070 - 1078. (13.2) Sergeev A.V. Recursive algorithm for Pade - Hermite approximants. Zhournal vychislitel'noi matematiki i matematicheskoi fiziki, 1986, 26, 348 - 356. (13.3) Vainberg V.M., ..., Sergeev A.V., three co-authors. The hydrogen atom in a strong electric field. Zhurnal eksperimentalnoi i teoreticheskoi fiziki, 1987, 93, 450 - 462. (14) 21. (15.1) Sergeev A.V. Resonances in a positron+proton system coupled by means of external electric and magnetic fields. Fourth European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics. Riga, Latvia 6 - 10 April 1992, Book of Abstracts, Part 1 (Europhysics conference abstracts, Volume 16B, Part 1), p. 112 (poster). (16) Mathematical methods in quantum mechanics; perturbation theory in atomic physics; summation of divergent series. We developed semiclassical methods for calculating the energies and the widths of bound and exited (especially Rydberg) states for screened Coulomb potentials, Stark and Zeeman effects, helium-like ions, and two-centre-Coulomb problem. We have been investigated strong-field Stark effect in a hydrogen atom. I am involved in mathematical aspects of the work. I have contributed in developing special summation procedures and in generalization of dimensional expansions on few-particle systems. Now we are looking for asymptotics of large orders of coefficients in 1/N-expansion. (17.1) Demkov Yu.N., Professor, Department of Theoretical Physics, Institute of Physics, Leningrad State University, Ul'yanovskaya ul. 1, Staryi Petergof, Saint Petersburg, 198904 Russian Federation; flat 27, ul. Kronverkskaya 29/37, Saint Petersburg,197101 Russian Federation; telephone 232-02-67 (home). (17.2) Popov V.S., Professor, Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Bol'shaya Cheriomushkinskaya 25, Moskow, 117259 Russian Federation; flat 230, Bakinskaya yl. 29, Moskow, 115541 Russian Federation; telephone: 127-96-14 (office), 438-40-64 and 327-97-61 (home). (18) I have a right to apply for individual grant since I did not work abroad in 1992 and my income in 1992 did not exceed the sum of $1500 or its equivalent. 17.03.1993 Signature:
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