For "Application for consideration of a waiver of the two-year foreign residence requirement of the exchange visitor program" 9. DID YOUR EXCHANGE-VISITOR PROGRAM INCLUDE U.S. GOVERMENT FUNDS, FUNDS FROM YOUR OWN GOVERMENT, OR FROM AN INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIN? IF SO, PLEASE GIVE FULL PARTICULARS CONCERNING THE FUNDING I did not receive grants from my own goverment. During the first six months of my stay in US from 02/01/96 to 07/31/96 I was supported indirectly by National Science Foundation. My supervisor D. Goodson from Southern Methodist University (Dallas, Texas) had a grant from NSF. In his project, he asked money for postdoctoral researchers. The amount of financial support is $13,332.00. Grant No. 9411210 Quantum Chemistry Without the Hartree-Fock and Born-Oppenheimer Approximations (1994 - 1997). 11. GIVE THE REASONS FOR NOT WISHING TO FULFILL THE TWO-YEAR HOME-COUNTRY RESIDENCE REQUIREMENT TO WHICH YOU AGREED AT THE TIME YOU ACCEPTED EXCHANGE-VISITOR STATUS In the United States, there is a group of scientists in different universities actively working on my particular speciality related to quantum-mechanical perturbation theory, summation of divergent perturbation series, and quasiclassical methods for resonant states. I worked on this topic in Russia for many years, and I found my present co-workers in US when I read their publications and visited a conference. After switching to democracy in Russia, new opportunities for travelling abroad arose for many Russian scientists that were engaged previously in partially classified goverment projects. During the last two years, I enjoyed these new opportunities by working on projects of mutual interest in several American universities. It allowed me to view my specific problems in broader perspective and to acquire immence experience. Currently, big changes and restructuring are in progress in many former Soviet research institutes including State Optical Institute in my home city (St. Petersburg, Russia) where I am working as a researcher since 1980. As a result, there are temporary organizational reasons to continue my research abroad instead of in Russia because American computer facilities, scientific communication and access to scientific information allow to reveal the research potential in full. I think that one or two extra years are necessary to realize most of my theoretical ideas and to finish my present project. Reorganization of Russian science is underway in many respects including conversion of classified defense scientific projects to open international academic science. At present, the Optical Institute (formerly attached to Russian Defense Ministry) where I am employed is resuming its normal work. After passing of extra 1 - 2 years necessary to complete this reorganization, I shall be ready to share with my countrymen the knowledge and experience much more effectively than it may be possible now. File is open for access at: