contours | Minimizing the function W, the main program that calls sub-programs |
contchec | Printing input parameters and checking their validity |
contnumb | Finding extrema and choosing the global minimum |
contplot | Density plot of functions with display of the minimum |
printing | Package for formatted printing of numbers |
omx = 0.9; omy = 1.1; x0 = 0.1; y0 = 0.2; h30 = -0.1; h21 = 0.3; h12 = 0.2; h03 = 0; w30 = 0.05; w21 = 0.05; w12 = 0.05; w03 = -0.05; h40 = h31 = h22 = h13 = h04 = 0; w40 = w31 = w22 = w13 = w04 = 0; SetOptions[$Output,PageWidth->Infinity]; SetDirectory["../files/bgu/math"]; <<contours.txt; |
It is possible to fill the form and run these programs on-line.
A paper related to minimizations of quadratic functions
Results of work at BGU with B. Segev