%\documentstyle[preprint,eqsecnum,aps]{revtex} \documentstyle[twocolumn,aps]{revtex} %\documentstyle[preprint,aps]{revtex} \begin{document} \draft \title{Resonance States of Atomic Anions} \author{Alexei V. Sergeev and Sabre Kais} \address{Department of Chemistry, Purdue University, 1393 Brown Building, West Lafayette, IN 47907} \date{\today} \maketitle \begin{abstract} Two methods are proposed to treat resonance states of an atom with a nuclear charge less than a ''critical'' value, which is the minimum charge necessary to bind $N$ electrons. The first method represents a reformulated variational approach in order to consider resonance and bound states on an equal footing. The second method represents an extrapolating scheme which is based on a one-particle model. The energy of a two-electron atom was found in the entire range $0\leq Z<\infty $. In the region $0.877N$ correspond to positive ions, with $ZZ{\rm _c}$ then the lowest level corresponding to maximum ionization energy, the upper curve in Fig.~\ref{helen}, gives the bound state energy. Fig.~\ref{helen} shows that the upper curve rapidly bends to zero after going below $Z_c$. This means that the variational method gives a trivial result $E_{{\rm I}}=0$ when the bound state ceases to exist. However, all the curves corresponding both to the minimum and to higher eigenvalues exhibit a typical avoided-crossing ladder pattern of proliferation of the bound state into continuum as a resonance. This situation which is similar to the two-electron problem in finite space\cite{sti} is the result of using of variational functions satisfying the boundary conditions of a bound state but not the boundary conditions of a resonance. In order to calculate the resonance by variational method without encountering avoided-crossings, we make the boundary conditions more flexible by introducing a complex trial function. Until now, we considered the exponential parameters $a$, $b$, and $c$ as real numbers independent of $Z$, and minimized the energy functional with respect to the linear coefficients $C_{i,j,k}$. Alternatively, we can minimize the energy with respect to both the linear and the non-linear parameters. In this way, we found that the optimized parameters $a$, $b$, and $c$ are real for sufficiently large charges. If the charge is lower than some value (see Table \ref{cricha}), then the minimum of the energy functional no longer exists. This situation is different from minimizing over the linear parameters only when the minimum of the energy functional {\it always} exists because a real symmetric matrix always has a minimum real eigenvalue. An analytic continuation of a minimum of some function, when this minimum ceases to exist, represents a complex stationary point. We found numerically the parameters $a$, $b$, and $c$ as complex stationary points in the range $0\leq Z\leq 1$ with up to $N=5$. The result for $N=5$ is shown in Fig.~\ref{helen}. The real part is a dashed line, and the imaginary part of the ionization energy is a dot-dashed line. By allowing the parameters of the trial function to be complex-valued, we eliminated the avoided-crossings and made the results to converge with increase of $N$. It is interesting that the traditional variational method, with real parameters $a$, $b$, and $c$, gives very accurate results at the inflection points, between adjacent avoided-crossings (see Fig.~\ref{helen}), but it never reproduces the imaginary part of the resonance. Let us consider the variational results from the point of view of analytic structure of the energy as a function of the nuclear charge. If the exponential parameters $a$, $b$, and $c$ are real, then the energy (shown by solid lines in Fig.~\ref{helen}) is real and does not have singularities at the real axis. However, for sufficiently small charge there is a pair of complex conjugate square root branch points close to the real axis joining each branch of the energy function (shown as a continuous solid curve in Fig.~\ref{helen}) with the neighbor branch (the nearest curve that lies above or below). In contrast, if the exponential parameters $a$, $b$, and $c$ are allowed to have complex values then the variational energy (shown by dashed and dot-dashed curves) has a single singularity at the real axis at the point where the minimum of the energy functional disappears and turns to a complex stationary point. This singularity models a singularity of the exact energy at the ''critical'' charge where the system goes from a bound state to a quasistationary state. Positions of this singularity $Z_{*}^{(N)}$ for different $N$ are listed in Table \ref{cricha}. The numerical evidence is that most of the variational singularities $Z_{*}^{(N)}$ give lower bounds for the critical charge $Z_{{\rm c}}\approx 0.911\,028$ and converge with the increase of $N$ although the convergence is not monotonous. Table \ref{cricha} lists also variational ''critical'' charges $Z_{{\rm c}}^{(N)}$ defined as the zeroes of the ionization energy $-E^{(N)}(Z)-Z^2/2$. The ''critical'' charges $Z_{{\rm c}}^{(N)}$ could be calculated by solving a generalized eigenvalue problem by a variational method \cite{ser}, they always give upper bounds for $Z{\rm _c}$. We found that convergence of $Z_{% {\rm c}}^{(N)}$ to the critical charge is much faster than that of $% Z_{*}^{(N)}$. By extending variational calculations of $Z_{{\rm c}}^{(N)}$ to higher $N$, the most accurate estimation of the critical charge was found earlier \cite{ser}. Calculations of $Z_{*}^{(N)}$ are generally more difficult than that of $Z_{{\rm c}}^{(N)}$ because they represent a singularity. They converge to the singularity $Z_{*}$ of the function $E(Z)$% , which is believed to limit the radius of convergence of the $1/Z$ expansion to $1/Z_{*}$. According to an earlier hypothesis based on the analysis of the $1/Z$ perturbation series \cite{sti}, $Z_{*}$ is slightly smaller than $Z_c$ (see Table \ref{cricha}) which means that $E(Z_{*})$ lies above the continuum, but still corresponds to a localized wave function. More elaborate computations of the $1/Z$ series and its analysis by Baker et al. \cite{bak} show that $Z_{*}$ and $Z_{{\rm c}}$ are equal. We used the complex parameters $a$, $b$, and $c$ calculated for the particular case of $% N=5$ in order to extend calculations to higher $N$ by optimizing only the linear coefficients $C_{i,j,k}$. We found that ''almost exact'' variational energy calculated at $N=25$ differs from the variational energy at $N=5$ shown in Fig.~\ref{helen} in the amount of less than $0.5\cdot 10^{-4}$. Calculations show that the behavior of the parameters $a$, $b$, and $c$ which are a stationary point of the energy functional is more unpredictable than that of the energy. Dependence of $a$, $b$, and $c$ on $N$ at $Z=Z_{{\rm c}}$ is shown in Fig.~\ref{abcn}. It seems that the parameters oscillate as $N$ increases. In our previous paper \cite{ser}, we used near-average parameters $a/Z=0.35$, $b/Z=1.03$, and $c/Z=0.03$ shown by dashed lines on Fig.~\ref{abcn} to perform large-$N$ calculations of $Z_{{\rm c}}$. Dependence of $a$, $b$, and $c$ on $Z$ for $N=5$ is shown in Fig.~\ref{abcz}. The parameters are continuous functions of $Z$ with a square root singularity at $Z=Z_{*}$, below which they become complex-valued. Numerical results show many erratic swerves on the curves, this fact probably indicates the existence of many singularities close to the real axis. Most of the above features are typical for any system passing from a bound to a quasistationary state that is treated variationally, for example for Ne isoelectronic series with a nuclear charge below $Z_{*}=8.74$ \cite{her}. The above method is a more general version of the complex rotation or the complex stabilization method \cite{ho}. Instead of one non-linear complex variational parameter, the rotation angle, we are using three non-linear variational parameters $a$, $b$, and $c$. Dubau and Ivanov \cite{dub} calculated the two-electron atom resonance in the vicinity of the critical charge using $1/Z$ expansion and the complex rotation method. Their results agree with our calculation, see Table \ref{reshel}. We extended calculations of the resonance to the range of $0\leq Z\leq 1$. Results are shown in Fig.~\ref{helres}. The real part of the ionization energy is always negative at $01$ at negative $% Z $. The second branch is also present in our calculations with the trial function (\ref{hylfun}), but we always disregard it. According to our numerical results, the energy goes to zero at $Z\rightarrow 0$ (see Fig.~\ref{helres}). % It seems that our results don't support the hypothesis of % existence of one more singular point at $Z\sim 0.1$ below which % the energy becomes real. This hypothesis was derived by Stillinger % \cite{sti} and later confirmed % by Dubau and Ivanov \cite{dub}. \section{Many-electron atoms} \protect \label{sec:man} Applying the complex rotation method to systems of more than three charged particles faces slow convergence because of the difficulty to simulate the oscillatory character of the wave functions \cite{ho}. The present study deals with the ground state ionization energy of a multi-electron atom considered as a function of a nuclear charge. Since the size of the variational basis set grows exponentially with the increase of the number of electrons, we choose here to follow a simpler path. We use the reliable data for the ionization energy of a negative ion and a neutral atom, which were calculated or experimentally measured. We are going to use here an extrapolating technique in order to find a complex energy of a doubly charged negative ion. In contrast to simple extrapolating such as polynomial fits or analytic formulas with a few fitting parameters \cite{eld}, we are solving here a one-particle Schr\"odinger equation with a potential that models the movement of a loosely bound valence electron that is going to dissociate when the charge approaches its critical value. This model is realistic in the vicinity of the critical charge and effectively reproduces the non-trivial singularity \cite{iva} of the ionization energy at the critical charge. Herric and Stillinger \cite{her} used for Ne isoelectronic series a polynomial fitting formula plus a singular term $\sim (Z-Z_{*})^{3/2}$. Their method correctly reproduces a similar singularity of a variational energy $% \sim (Z-Z_{*}^{(N)})^{3/2}$, but it fails for the exact energy, which has a less trivial singularity as it was established by Dubau and Ivanov \cite{dub}. \subsection{Description of the one-particle model} \protect \label{sec:des} For a given atom with $N$ electrons and a nuclear charge $Z$, let us consider a spherically-symmetric potential (also known as Hellmann potential \cite{hel}) of the form \begin{equation} \label{helpot}V(r)=-\frac 1r+\frac \gamma r\left( 1-e^{-\delta r}\right) \end{equation} with $\gamma =(N-1)/Z$. Since in the neighborhood of the critical charge, particularly for the negative hydrogen ion \cite{rau}, one of the electrons is held much farther from the nucleus than the others, we suggest a one-particle model of this electron in an effective potential of the atomic core comprising of the nucleus and $N-1$ electrons. In scaled coordinates $r\rightarrow Zr$, this potential is approximated by our model potential, Eq. (\ref{helpot}). Our approximation is asymptotically correct both at small and at large distances from the nucleus where the scaled atomic core potential tends to $-1/r$ and to $-(Z-N+1)/(Zr)$ respectively. The transition between the two different asymptotic regimes occurs at distances roughly equal to $1/\delta $ that is about the atomic core radius. The second parameter of the model potential, Eq. (\ref{helpot}), $\delta $, is chosen so that the ionization energy in the potential (\ref{helpot}) is equal to the scaled ionization energy $Z^{-2}E{\rm _I}(Z)$ of the atom. Note that for atoms with more than two electrons, we consider here an excited state in the potential (\ref{helpot}) with the same spherical quantum numbers $(n,l)$ as quantum numbers of the loosely bound electron on an external atomic shell (in this aspect our approach differs from the method of pseudo-potentials \cite{cal} that deals with the ground state in a potential with an additional repulsive term necessary to take into account orthogonality conditions). In this way, we map an arbitrary atom, which is characterized by a pair of numbers $(N,Z)$ to the model one-particle system (% \ref{helpot}), which is characterized by a pair of parameters $(\gamma ,\delta )$. Results of fitting the parameter $\delta $ for elements with $% N\leq 10$ in our previous study \cite{unp} give evidence that $\delta $ depends on $1/Z$ almost linearly. In summary, our model (\ref{helpot}) effectively eliminates the singularity in the energy function $E_{{\rm I}}(Z) $ to be extrapolated by replacing it with a weakly varying function $\delta (Z)$ that can be accurately extrapolated by a linear dependence on $1/Z$ without taking into account a complex singularity at $Z=Z_{*}$. In our previous study \cite{unp}, we fitted the parameter $\delta $ to meet the known binding energy of the neutral atom and its isoelectronic negative ion and then found $\delta $ as a function of $1/Z$ by a linear extrapolation. After that, we solved Schr\"odinger equation with the potential (\ref{helpot}% ) and found some kind of extrapolation of the ionization energy of an atom to the range of $Z