%% "Note" for JCP. %% % REVTeX 3.0 % For APS galley-mode format: %\documentstyle[aps]{revtex} %\documentstyle[aps,eqsecnum,amsfonts]{revtex} \documentstyle[aps,twocolumn]{revtex} % % For preprint format: %\documentstyle[preprint,aps]{revtex} %\documentstyle[preprint,eqsecnum,aps]{revtex} %\documentstyle[preprint,eqsecnum,aps,amsfonts]{revtex} \tighten % \begin{document} % \draft command makes pacs numbers print \draft \title{On the use of algebraic approximants to sum divergent series\\ for Fermi resonances in vibrational spectroscopy} % repeat the \author\address pair as needed \author{David Z. Goodson and Alexei V. Sergeev\cite{purdue}} \address{Department of Chemistry, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas 75275} %\date{\today} \maketitle %\begin{abstract} %\end{abstract} % insert suggested PACS numbers in braces on next line %\pacs{} % body of paper here \narrowtext \v{C}\'{\i}\v{z}ek {\it et al.} \cite{cizek} have suggested that large-order Rayleigh-Schr\"odinger perturbation expansions are a viable alternative to variational methods for calculating molecular vibration energy levels. The energy $E(\lambda)$ of an anharmonic oscillator, considered as a function of the perturbation parameter $\lambda$, has a complicated singularity at the origin in the complex $\lambda$ plane \cite{anharmosc,bender}, and therefore has a zero radius of convergence. Nevertheless, \v{C}\'{\i}\v{z}ek {\it et al.} found in practice that the expansions could be summed with Pad\'e approximants. Recently the computational cost of the perturbation theory was compared with that of variational diagonalization of the Hamiltonian for a model 2-mode oscillator problem \cite{suvernev1}. It was found that perturbation theory had a significant advantage over variational calculations in the number of arithmetic operations needed to obtain a given level of accuracy. Scaling arguments indicate that this advantage can be even greater for rotating oscillators \cite{suvernev2}. However, there is a class of eigenstates for which the perturbation theory appears to fail: eigenstates involved in Fermi resonances, for which the wavefunctions show strong mixing of two or more of the unperturbed harmonic eigenfunctions. In the function $E(\lambda)$ the resonant states are connected by a branch point, with the different eigenvalues residing on different Riemann sheets. The closer the degeneracy of the harmonic energies, the closer the branch point is to the origin, and hence the greater the effect on the convergence. Since Pad\'e approximants are rational functions, which cannot explicitly model the multiple-valued nature of $E(\lambda)$, they can have serious convergence problems in such cases. A simple solution to this problem is to use {\it algebraic} summation approximants. Consider an expansion $E(\lambda)=\sum_{n=0}^\infty E_n\lambda^n$. The conventional ``linear'' Pad\'e approximant is a function $E_{[L,M]}(\lambda)=P_L(\lambda)/Q_M(\lambda)$ in terms of the polynomials $P_L$ and $Q_M$, of degrees $L$ and $M$ respectively, defined by the linear equation \begin{equation} P(\lambda)-Q(\lambda)E(\lambda)={\rm O}\big(\lambda^{L+M+1}\big). \end{equation} Similarly, algebraic approximants $E_{[p_0,p_1,\dots,p_k]}$ of arbitrary degree $m$ can be defined by \begin{equation} \sum_{k=0}^m A_k(\lambda)E^k_{[p_0,p_1,\dots,p_k]}(\lambda)=0. \end{equation} The $A_k(\lambda)$ are polynomials of degree $p_k$ that satisfy \begin{equation} \sum_{k=0}^m A_k(\lambda)E^k(\lambda)= {\rm O}\big(\lambda^{N}\big), \quad N=m+\sum_{k=0}^m p_k. \label{polyeq} \end{equation} These approximants were proposed by Pad\'e \cite{pade}, but are not nearly as well known as the linear approximants ($m=1$). Quadratic approximants ($m=2$) have been used occasionally, especially for calculating the complex energies of unstable quasibound eigenstates \cite{suvernev1,quasibound}, but higher-degree appoximants have rarely been applied to physical problems. We have recently developed an algorithm for computing high-degree approximants \cite{sergeev,algebra} and have analyzed some of their mathematical properties \cite{algebra}. Since Eq.~(\ref{polyeq}) has $m$ solutions for $E(\lambda)$, an algebraic approximant of degree $m>1$ is a multiple-valued function with $m$ branches. Two-sheet branch-point singularities occur at those values of $\lambda$ for which two of the solutions become equal. For quadratic approximants the singular points are the zeros of the discriminant polynomial $D_2(\lambda)=A_1^2-4A_0A_2$. For cubic approximants, they are the zeros of $D_3(\lambda)=b^3+c^2$, where $b=3A_1A_3-A_2^2$ and $c={9\over 2}A_1A_2A_3-9A_0A_3^2-A_2^3$. In general, as long as $m\ge 2$ the approximants should be able to explicitly model the two-sheet branch points corresponding to Fermi resonances. We have computed perturbation series through 40th order for the molecules H$_2$O and H$_2$S, with the anharmonic oscillator Hamiltonians used by \v{C}\'{\i}\v{z}ek {\it et al.} \cite{cizek}. Table~\ref{tab1} compares the harmonic frequencies. For the ground states and for singly excited states the rate of convergence shows no appreciable dependence on $m$. However, for the (200) state of H$_2$S, which is strongly resonant with the nearly degenerate (002) state, the convergence is much more rapid for $m>1$ than for $m=1$, as shown in Fig.~\ref{fig200}. There seems to be an advantage to using $m\ge 3$ beginning at 30th order. The convergence behavior is similar for the (002) state. The branch point, at which these two states become degenerate, is at $\lambda=0.60096\pm 0.28837 i$. (The physical solution corresponds to $\lambda=1$.) For H$_2$O the $m=1$ approximants for the (200) state show no convergence problems. However, for the (400) state, in Fig.~\ref{fig400}, which is nearly degenerate with at least two other eigenstates, they converge relatively slowly. The convergence is better for $m\ge 2$, with an advantage for $m\ge 3$ beginning at 26th order. High-degree approximants have the additional advantage of being able to model the complicated singularities at the $\lambda\to 0$ and $\lambda\to\infty$ limits \cite{algebra,intelligent}, which are generic features of anharmonic oscillator energies, but this advantage is realized in practice only if the perturbation series is known to rather high order \cite{algebra}. For the 40th-order expansions considered here we find that the high-degree ($m\ge 3$) approximants outperform the quadratic approximants only for states involved in Fermi resonances. This indicates that the source of their advantage is not the behavior at $\lambda\to 0$ or $\lambda\to\infty$ but rather the accuracy with which they model the resonance branch points. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation and by the Welch Foundation. \begin{references} \bibitem[*]{purdue} Current address: Dept. of Chemistry, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN\ \ 47907 \bibitem{cizek} J. \v{C}i\v{z}ek, V. \v{S}pirko, and O. Bludsk\'y, J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 99}, 7331 (1993). \bibitem{suvernev1} A. A. Suvernev and D. Z. Goodson, J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 106}, 2681 (1997). \bibitem{anharmosc} C. M. Bender and T. T. Wu, Phys. Rev. {\bf 184}, 1231 (1969); G. Alvarez, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. {\bf 27}, 4589 (1995). \bibitem{bender} C. M. Bender and S. A. Orszag, {\it Advanced Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers} (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1978), pp. 350-361. \bibitem{suvernev2} A. A. Suvernev and D. Z. Goodson, Chem. Phys. Lett. {\bf 269}, 177 (1997); J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 107}, 4099 (1997). \bibitem{pade} M. H. Pad\'e, Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Sup. {\bf 9}, Supplement, pp. 1-8 (1892). \bibitem{quasibound} V. M. Va\u{\i}nberg, V. D. Mur, V. S. Popov, and A. V. Sergeev, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. {\bf 44}, 9 (1986) [JETP Lett. {\bf 44}, 9]; T. C. Germann and S. Kais, J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 99}, 7739 (1993). \bibitem{sergeev} A. V. Sergeev, Zh. vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz. {\bf 26}, 348 (1986) [U.S.S.R. Comput. Maths. Math. Phys. {\bf 26}, 17 (1986)]. \bibitem{algebra} A. V. Sergeev and D. Z. Goodson, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. {\bf 31}, 4301 (1998). \bibitem{intelligent} F. M. Fern\'andez and R. H. Tipping, unpublished preprint. \end{references} \vbox{ \begin{table} \caption{Harmonic vibrational frequencies, in cm$^{-1}$.} \begin{tabular}{cccc} &$\omega_{\rm 1}$&$\omega_{\rm 2}$&$\omega_{\rm 3}$\\ \tableline H$_2$O&3832.0&1648.9&3942.6\\ H$_2$S&2721.9&1214.5&2733.3\\ \end{tabular} \label{tab1} \end{table} } \begin{figure} \caption{Summation convergence vs. order $k$ of the perturbation expansion, for the (200) state of H$_2$S. The ordinate is $-\log_{10}|(S_k-E)/E|$, which is a continuous measure of the number of converged digits, where $S_k$ is the algebraic approximant corresponding to order $k$ of the diagonal staircase approximant sequence and $E=8522.5667$ cm$^{-1}$ is the result to which 40th-order perturbation seems to converge. The degrees of the approximants are as follows: $m=1$ (-$\;$-$\;$-), $m=2$ (---), $m=3$ ($\triangle$), $m=4$ ($\Diamond$).} \label{fig200} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \caption{Summation convergence vs. order of the perturbation expansion, for the (400) state of H$_2$O. The ordinate is defined as in Fig.~\protect\ref{fig200} and the converged energy is $E=19538.4$ cm$^{-1}$. The degrees of the approximants are $m=1$ (-$\;$-$\;$-), $m=2$ (---), $m=3$ ($\triangle$), $m=4$ ($\Diamond$).} \label{fig400} \end{figure} \end{document}