Compact list of papers Verbose list of papers Unpublished reports Conference presentations A. Sergeev

Alexei Sergeev's Recent Papers

Resonance states of atomic anions
With S. Kais. Int. J. Quant. Chem. 82, 255 (2001)
Variational principle for critical parameters of quantum systems
With S. Kais. J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 32, 6891 (1999)
Critical nuclear charges for N-electron atoms
With S. Kais. Int. J. Quant. Chem. Symp. 75, 533 (1999)
On the use of algebraic approximants to sum divergent series for Fermi resonances in vibrational spectroscopy
With D. Z. Goodson. J. Chem. Phys. 110, 8205 (1999)
Improving the convergence and estimating the accuracy of summation approximants of 1/D expansions for Coulombic systems
With M. O. Elout, D. Z. Goodson, C. D. Elliston, S.-W. Huang, D. K. Watson. J. Math. Phys. 39, 5112 (1998)
Ionization of atoms in weak fields and the asymptotic behavior of higher-order perturbation theory
With V. S. Popov. Sov. Phys. - JETP 86, 1122 (1998) [ZhETF]
Summation of asymptotic expansions of multiple-valued functions using algebraic approximants: Application to anharmonic oscillators
With D. Z. Goodson. J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 31, 4301 (1998)
Self-consistent-field perturbation theory of molecular vibrations
With D. Z. Goodson. Molec. Phys. 93, 477 (1998)
Semiclassical self-consistent-field perturbation theory for the hydrogen atom in a magnetic field
With D. Z. Goodson. Int. J. Quant. Chem. 69, 183 (1998)
Effect of a magnetic field on the ionization of atoms
With V. S. Popov. JETP Letters 63, 417 (1996) [Pis'ma v ZhETF 3, 398 (1996)]
Coulomb Corrections to Scattering Lengths and Effective Ranges for l (is not equal) 0
With V. D. Mur and V. S. Popov. Physics of atomic nuclei 59, 1888 [Yadernaya Fizika 59, 1958 (1996)]
Coulomb Corrections to Nuclear Scattering Lengths and Effective Ranges for Weakly Bound Systems
With V. D. Mur and V. S. Popov. Physics of atomic nuclei 59, 62 [Yadernaya Fizika 59, 68 (1996)]
Summation of the eigenvalue perturbation series by multi-valued Pade approximants: application to resonance problems and double wells
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 28, 4157 (1995)
Fermi-like resonances for circular Rydberg states of a hydrogen atom in a magnetic field
Unpublished (1995)

See also

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