#ROLL Lafayette IN, February 27 - March 22, 1998 #00: Purdue Union building 2/27/98 #01: Road to Chicago 3/9/98 #05-07: Purdue campus 3/10/98 #08-12: State St. and railway station in Lafayette 3/10/98 #14-18: Lafayette near Wabash river and Erie St. 3/21/98 #20: View from Clegg botanical garden 3/21/98 #21-24: Lafayette near Erie and Ferry St. 3/22/98 #00 Purdue Memorial Union (student services). West Lafayette, Indiana, February 27, 1998. #01 I-65 road between Lafayette and Chicago during a snow storm. Indiana, March 9, 1998. #05 Fountain of Purdue University Mall. W. Lafayette, Indiana, March 10, 1998. #06 Purdue University Hall and Recitation Building. W. Lafayette, Indiana, March 10, 1998. #07 Purdue University Memorial Union from State St. West Lafayette, Indiana, March 10, 1998. #08 Intersection of State St. with South St. (The Village area, shopping district). West Lafayette, Indiana, March 10, 1998. #09 State St. near Chauncey Hill Mall. West Lafayette, Indiana, March 10, 1998. #10 A church at State St. opposite to Chauncey Hill Mall. West Lafayette, Indiana, March 10, 1998. #11 View of Tippecanoe Courthouse and the downtown from Big Four Depot. Lafayette, Indiana, March 10, 1998. #12 View of Tippecanoe Courthouse from Amtrak railroad Station. Lafayette, Indiana, March 10, 1998. #14 Baby snakes on a trail along Wabash River under State St. bridge. W. Lafayette, Indiana, March 21, 1998. #15 North St. near intersection with Erie St. Lafayette, Indiana, March 21, 1998. #17 Cincinnati(?) St. Lafayette, Indiana, March 21, 1998. #18 6th(?) St. near intersection with Union St. Lafayette, Indiana, March 21, 1998. #20 View of an opposite bank of Wildcat Creek from Clegg Botanical Garden. Lafayette, Indiana, March 21, 1998. #21 Brown(?) St. near intersection with Erie St. Lafayette, Indiana, March 22, 1998. #22 View of houses across railroad from Erie St. Lafayette, Indiana, March 22, 1998. #23 Ferry St. Lafayette, Indiana, March 22, 1998. #24 Abandoned historical houses on Ferry St. and St. James Lutheran (?) Church. Lafayette, Indiana, March 22, 1998.