- Lafayette 4/5/98
- Celery bog 4/11/98
- Celery bog 4/11/98
- W. Lafayette 4/12/98
- Erie, Ferry, State, Valley St. and downtown Lafayette 4/12/98
- Erie, Ferry, State, Valley St. and downtown Lafayette 4/12/98
- Erie, Ferry, State, Valley St. and downtown Lafayette 4/12/98
- Erie, Ferry, State, Valley St. and downtown Lafayette 4/12/98
- Erie, Ferry, State, Valley St. and downtown Lafayette 4/12/98
- Erie, Ferry, State, Valley St. and downtown Lafayette 4/12/98
- Erie, Ferry, State, Valley St. and downtown Lafayette 4/12/98
- Erie, Ferry, State, Valley St. and downtown Lafayette 4/12/98
- Erie, Ferry, State, Valley St. and downtown Lafayette 4/12/98
- Erie, Ferry, State, Valley St. and downtown Lafayette 4/12/98
- Erie, Ferry, State, Valley St. and downtown Lafayette 4/12/98
- Trail to Battle Ground 4/18/98
- Trail to Battle Ground 4/18/98
- Trail to Battle Ground 4/18/98
- Trail to Battle Ground 4/18/98
- Trail to Battle Ground 4/18/98
- Trail to Battle Ground 4/18/98
- Trail to Battle Ground 4/18/98
- Trail to Battle Ground 4/18/98
- Trail to Battle Ground 4/18/98
- Trail to Battle Ground 4/18/98
- The lab in the Department of Chemistry of Purdue University Apr. 25, 28
- The lab in the Department of Chemistry of Purdue University Apr. 25, 28
- near Agricultural Mall in Purdue campus 4/28/98
- view from the lab of the Department of Chemistry 4/28/98
- The lab in the Department of Chemistry of Purdue University Apr. 25, 28