#ROLL Sankt Petersburg, Russia, April 21 - 24, 1999 #05: "Indiana" entertainment Center
  opposite to Akademicheskaya subway station 4/21/99 #06: a church on Carl Marx Prospect 4/21/99 #07: Bolshoi Dom (Russian secret police KGB-FSK)
  on Liteynyi Prospect 4/21/99.
  Compare its architecture with Federal Building in Dallas #08: Smol'nyi Cathedral and monastery 4/21/99 #09: Kresty prison ("Crosses" in Russian)
  near Finliandsky railway station 4/21/99 #11: A. I. Sherstyuk's home 4/21/99 #12: the house 4/22/99 #14-16: Kavgolovskoe Lake near Petersburg 4/22/99 #17-19: near Izmailovsky Prospect 4/24/99 #18,19: Egipt Bridge #05 Indiana Entertainment Center opposite to Akademicheskaya subway station (Russians believe that the state of Indiana is still inhabited by American Indians). St. Petersburg, Russia, April 21, 1999. #06 An Orthodox church at Karl Marx (now Bolshoi Sampsonievskiy) Prospect in St. Petersburg, Russia, April 21, 1999. #07 Bolshoi Dom (Russian secret police ChK-GPU-NKVD-KGB-FSK) at Liteynyi Prospect in St. Petersburg, Russia. Compare its architecture with Federal Building in Dallas. April 21, 1999. #08 Smol'nyi Cathedral and monastery at a bend of Neva River in St. Petersburg, Russia, April 21, 1999. #09 View of Kresty prison from Robespyera Embankment of Neva River. Two buildings have a shape of crosses (kresty mean crosses in Russian). St. Petersburg, Russia, April 21, 1999. #11 A. I. Sherstyuk's home in St. Petersburg, Russia, April 21, 1999. #12 The house behind Olginskiy Pond in St. Petersburg, Russia, April 22, 1999. #14 Kavgolovskoe Lake 10 miles north of St. Petersburg. A cranberry marsh is behind pussy willow. Russia, April 22, 1999. #16 Kavgolovskoe Lake 10 miles north of St. Petersburg. A cranberry marsh is behind pussy willow and birches. Pine forest is at the background. Russia, April 22, 1999. #17 1st Krasnoarmeyskaya St. and Trinity orthodox cathedral at Izmailovsky Prospect. St. Petersburg, Russia, April 24, 1999. #18 A sphinx on Egypt Bridge across Fontanka River at Lermontovsky Prospect. St. Petersburg, Russia, April 22, 1999. #19 A sphinx (facing north) on Egypt Bridge across Fontanka River, with blue domes of Trinity Cathedral at background. St. Petersburg, Russia, April 22, 1999.