University of Notre Dame IN - Potholes Park IN, May 21 - June 6, 1999

Column of 9 large thumbnails of pictures Catholic cemetery at the University of Notre Dame. South Bend, Indiana, May 21, 1999.
Catholic cemetery at the University of Notre Dame. South Bend, Indiana, May 21, 1999.
Remains of a fan (?) and books after a fire in the theoretical chemistry lab of Purdue University at Memorial Day. West Lafayette, Indiana, June 1, 1999.
Burned part of the theoretical chemistry lab (there was a bookshelf) after a fire at Memorial Day. Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, June 1, 1999.
A burned desk in the theoretical chemistry lab (there was a coffee pot?) after a fire at Memorial Day. Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, June 1, 1999.
Potholes Park, Fall Creek Gorge. The trip was organized by Purdue University International Center. Near Pine Village, Indiana, June 5, 1999.
Inspecting a creek in Potholes Park (Fall Creek Gorge) by international students of Purdue University. Near Pine Village, Indiana, June 5, 1999.
Overcoming a tub in a creek in Potholes Park (Fall Creek Gorge) by an international student of Purdue University. Near Pine Village, Indiana, June 5, 1999.
International students of Purdue University walking over rapids and tubs of a creek in Potholes Park (Fall Creek Gorge) near Pine Village. Indiana, June 5, 1999.

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