#ROLL Lafayette IN, June 13 - July 5, 1999 #02: Ross Hills Park 6/13/99 #03-04: Kerber Rd. near Lafayette 6/13/99 #08-16: Purdue University, 20-21 June #16: Dept. of Chemistry (Wetherill Building) #17: W. Lafayette 7/5/99 #19-24: Lafayette 7/5/99 #02 Mushrooms at Ross Hills Park near Lafayette IN, June 13, 1999. #03 End of the 19th century gravestones near Kerber Rd. west from Lafayette IN, June 13, 1999. #04 End of the 19th century gravestones near Kerber Rd. west from Lafayette IN, June 13, 1999. #08 Wetherill Laboratory of Chemistry at Purdue University, West Lafayette IN, 20 June, 1999. #10 Purdue Mall and Administration Hall at Purdue University, West Lafayette IN, 20 June, 1999. #12 Fountain of Purdue Mall and Bell Tower at Purdue University, West Lafayette IN, 20 June, 1999. #13 Founders Park at Purdue University, West Lafayette IN, 20 June, 1999. #16 Brown Laboratories of Chemistry at Purdue University, West Lafayette IN, 21 June, 1999. #17 Robinson St. in West Lafayette IN, 5 July, 1999. #19 G. R. Clark, G. Washington and Tecumseh at the south pediment of Tippecanoe County Court House in Lafayette IN, 5 July, 1999. #20 Downtown Lafayette IN, 5 July, 1999. #21 Tippecanoe County Historical Museum (Moses Fowler House) in Lafayette IN, 5 July, 1999. #22 American flags at S. 9th St. in Lafayette IN, 5 July, 1999. #24 Fourth of July decorations at S. 9th St. in Lafayette IN, 5 July, 1999.