#ROLL Beer-Sheva, Ashkelon, May 4 - 9, 2000 #00: west from BGU 5/4/2000 #02-11: Ashkelon 5/6/2000 #15-16: near BGU 5/7/2000 #18: Ben-Gurion University 5/8/2000 #20-21: near BGU 5/9/2000 #00 Industrial zone 1 mile south-east from BGU. Beer-Sheva, the Middle East, May 4, 2000 #02 A.S. in the park of Ashkelon. The Middle East, May 6, 2000 #03 Weeds in the park of Ashkelon. The Middle East, May 6, 2000 #04 Weeds in the park of Ashkelon. The Middle East, May 6, 2000 #09 Ruins of the ancient port of Ashkelon. The Middle East, May 6, 2000 #10 Ruins of the ancient port of Ashkelon. The Middle East, May 6, 2000 #11 Ruins of the ancient port of Ashkelon. The Middle East, May 6, 2000 #15 Decayed Israeli (?) flag over BGU soccer field, Palmach Memorial is seen behind, in Negev Desert. Beer-Sheva, the Middle East, May 7, 2000 #16 A stray cat of the desert protective coloring over a dumpster at Wingate St. near BGU. Beer-Sheva, the Middle East, May 7, 2000 #18 BGU library, view from the Gate of Aliya. Beer-Sheva, the Middle East, May 8, 2000 #20 New immigrants decorate their house at Ben Gurion Blvd. for Independence Day. Beer-Sheva, the Middle East, May 9, 2000 #21 Israeli flags and an upturned American flag at Ha Shalom St. near BGU. Beer-Sheva, the Middle East, May 9, 2000