Conferences B&W Pictures Picture Archives Selected Pictures Directory of Files A. Sergeev

25-th E.G.A.S. conference
Caen, France, 13 - 16 July 1993

Thumbnail list of pictures

G. Klimchitskaya, D. A. Telnov, V. Kondratovich at the bus trip from Warsaw to Caen, 7/11/93
Opening the conference 7/13/93
Phoenyx, an emblem of Caen University 7/14/93
View from walls of Chateau, near the university 7/14/93
A boat channel in Caen
Speach of Caen mayor in the City Hall 7/15/93
Listening the speach of the mayor 7/15/93
S. V. Malinovskaya, A. V. Glushkov et al. listening the speach in the city hall 7/15/93
Reception in the city hall 7/15/93
Daniel Lekler in the City Hall
Bessin harbor 7/15/93
Caen as seen from Chateau 7/16/93
Caen downtown 7/16/93
U. I. Safronova, Manakov with a group of Russians waiting a bus to Warsaw 7/16/93
... and V. Kondratovich near a bus to Warsaw 7/19/93
A group of Russians waiting the bus 7/16/93
V. M. Shabaev, Klimchitskaya, U. I. Safronova, ... in front of the bus 7/16/93

Conferences B&W Pictures Picture Archives Selected Pictures Directory of Files A. Sergeev

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