B&W Pictures Picture Archives Selected Pictures Directory of Files A. Sergeev

A. A. Zhdanov Leningrad State University
Department of Physics (fizfak LGU)
Staryi Petergof, USSR, 1977-1979

Thumbnail list of pictures

Students and professors at fizfak LGU

Looking at the schedule of lectures, March 78
Kommunisticheskiy Subbotnik (spring clean-up), April 78
Seminar on philosophy, May 78 (all students were sitting at rear desks)
Seminar on Scientific Communism?, 1978
M. N. Adamov. Lecture on Molecular physics, May 78
M. N. Adamov and his assistant. Lecture on Molecular physics, 1978
A. V. Tulub. Lecture on thermodynamics, 1978
A. V. Tulub. Lecture on thermodynamics, 1978
Seminar on nuclear physics?, 1978
S. N. Manida. Lecture on theory of elementary particles, May 78
L. N. Labzovskiy. Lecture on quantum theory of atoms, 1977
Yu. N. Demkov. Lecture on quantum theory of collisions, 1977
Yu. Yu. Dmitriev. Lecture on theory of atomic spectra?, 1978
Lecture on atheism, 1977
I. V. Abarenkov. Lecture on quantum mechanics, 1977
M. A. Braun. Lecture on quantum field theory, 1978
P. P. Pavinskiy. Lecture on solid state theory, 1978

Military training of students of the Department of Physics
in a camp in Vyborg (Leningrad region, Karelskiy Isthmus)
June - July 1979

Colonel Bagin showing his fist
Mayor Lavrik, field class near Saimen Channel
Radio-location stations among stones left by a glacier
Comr. Sergeev sitting at the border of a platz
March along a highway in Vyborg
View of an appelplatz from a window of the barrack

B&W Pictures Picture Archives Selected Pictures Directory of Files A. Sergeev

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