Calculate Rayleigh - Schrodinger perturbation series for the quartic anharmonic oscillator

Hamiltonian of the quartic anharmonic oscillator has the form:
H = p2/2 + x2/2 + g x4, where g is a small perturbation parameter.

The energy is expanded in powers of g:
E(g) = E0 + E1 g + ... + EN gN, where
      E0 = n + 1/2 is unperturbed harmonic-oscillator energy,
      n is the harmonic oscillator quantum number, and
      N is the order of perturbation theory.

Enter the oscillator quantum number n = n = 0 for the ground state, 1,2,3,... for excited states.
Enter the order of perturbation theory N = N = 1,2,3,...

Download text of the Mathematica program used for this calculation

600 coefficients of the expansion for n=0, n=1, and n=2 calculated earlier.

Calculate Rayleigh - Schrodinger perturbation series for various quantum-mechanical problems Directory of Sergeev's files Designed by A. Sergeev

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