- Part I. Asymmetric stationary points in a helium
effective potential
- Calculation of all asymmetric stationary points in the effective potential
- Summary of the computation of all asymmetric stationary points
- Choice of a proper stationary point
- The stationary point, frequencies, and normal-mode coordinates as functions
of nuclear charge and mass of the first electron
- Plot of the effective potential for different lambda and mass m1
- Tables
- Part II
- Part III
- Tables
- Summation of the shifted 1/(D+a)-series for the
"frozen planetary" (6, 0, 0) state of helium using different
shift parameters a
- Summation of the large-D series for (n, 0, 0) states
of helium
- FORTRAN program for calculation of the large-D
expansion for "frozen planetary" states of two-electron atoms
- Summation of the large-D series for (3,0,1) and
(6,1,0) states of helium and (n, 0, 0) states of the positive ion of lithium
- Accuracy zero-order test: comparison of exact equilibrium
distances and frequencies obtained by Mathematica with that obtained by
complex*32 FORTRAN
- Coefficients of the 1/D expansion of the energy
for the ground state of He: comparison of complex*32-results with the results
of D. Goodson (J. Chem. Phys. 1992, 97, 8481)
- Accuracy test for asymmetric state (6,0,0): comparison
of the 1/(D+11)-expansion coefficients calculated directly with that obtained
by re-expansion of the 1/D-series
- Figures that were not embedded in the text
- Dependence of the energy (real part) on 1/D for
helium asymmetric states
- Real part of the energy in the larger scale
- Dependence of the width on 1/D for helium asymmetric
- Poles of PA for the function Sqrt(-E'(delta'))
- Energy as a function of the variable n1/D
- D-dependence of the energy for Li+ ion
- D-dependence of the width for Li+ ion
- Poles of PA for the energy function of (600) state
- Poles of PA for the Borel function of (600) state
- Poles of PA for the Borel function of (000) state
Designed by A. Sergeev.
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